What you really want to achieve in life... right now. Literally...
As I've mentioned before, Altimetry has a global team "all-hands" call every week where I get to speak with our personnel around the world. I sign off from every weekly call with the same message: "I wish that you all find love, joy, and peace in your day."
I mean that from the bottom of my heart. After all, the work trying to make money, support our families, and invest, what is our achievement's ultimate goal if it's not for the end purpose of love, joy, and peace in our lives?
While it's a wish for the best for all of our people, it's also quite self-serving to our business. If we want an organization of high-achievers, then we need the right attitude for peak performance.
This is one of those best paths toward peak performance.
It doesn't matter what the task is. It applies to analyzing a spreadsheet, building a PowerPoint presentation, writing a report, coding our database, or even just sending an e-mail.
Regardless of any task that we work on, doing it more lovingly, more joyfully, or more peacefully will always achieve a better result.
Asking the right questions to achieve a result in a mindful way...
A simple task that I request of our team members is to pick one of these questions ahead or during a given project.
- How can I do this in a more loving way, with care and compassion for what I'm doing and how it will impact co-workers or clients?
- How can I go about this with more joy, seeing the benefits this will have to others and myself?
- How do I perform this, just being at peace with my doing it to the best of my ability?
Sometimes, we don't always know how something fits into the big picture on that last question. We just know the organization needs it to get done. Just being at peace with that may provide the necessary mindset for a better result than otherwise.
I don't think I could answer all three of these questions at once for any particular task. However, I have found that one of them always applies, and I look to use one of these questions whenever I can.
Contemplating any of these three questions, even without fully answering it, but having the idea in mind, "How can I get this task done more lovingly, joyfully, or peacefully" can subconsciously lead to some of the best work.
That attitude contributes to better investment decisions, better relationships with co-workers, and better achievements as we innovate, brand, and deliver to our customers.
Do you see the simple beauty and genius of this frame of thinking?
Well, if your ultimate goal in life is to achieve love, joy, and peace (and what would you choose if not that?), then what better way to accomplish that than by going through your entire day by consciously choosing to be loving, joyful, or peaceful at every moment.
After all, I like to believe that that mindset among our team enables our analysts (and me) to enjoy living and breathing our research.
We enjoy what we do.
I truly believe that without this type of mentality, we wouldn't be able to run up the tremendous stock gains we achieve for our clients.
So, with that, I'll sign off today wishing you all the best... and of course, you know what I mean by that!
Joel Litman
October 22, 2021
P.S. Nestled within our mindful approach at work, we do a repeatable process with Uniform Accounting to identify the best microcap investments in our Microcap Confidential newsletter.
Our deep fundamental research has led us to select several microcaps primed to take off... And we even found one tiny tech company that could soar as much as 380% by December 31. And I expect this cyber stock to run much, much higher over the next several years because of this company's fast-growing sector.
Our special promotion for Microcap Confidential ends today at midnight... And I just put the finishing touches on this video presentation where I detail this cyber company in full. You can watch it right here.