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Let the Private Companies Stay Private

Don't bet blindly on a fund like this. There's too much risk involved...

Securities Analyzed
  • DXYZ
  • META
Microsoft's AI Investments Are Starting to Shine

AI will power both Microsoft's growth and profitability expansion in the coming years...

Securities Analyzed
  • MSFT
Manias Never Change

It's tough to know which AI companies are legitimate. It's tougher to know which are still a good value...

The AI Gold Rush Needs Some Direction

This consultant knows most businesses still don't know what they're doing with AI...

Securities Analyzed
  • ACN
Most Folks Know It... Few Use It

It feels like we're surrounded by AI nowadays... More than half of the U.S. population has at least heard of AI chatbot ChatGPT. And nearly one-third of the population has used it. On the surface, it looks like AI has already made a huge dent. However, when you look deeper... the story is quite different. […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
Invest Like It's the Summer of 1996

We're capable of making a lot more "crazy ideas" actually work this time around...

Securities Analyzed
  • AMZN
  • CHWY
  • NFLX
  • NVDA
Apple's Betting On a Late AI Push

Apple is far from the first tech company to unveil its AI tech... but investors shouldn't count it out of the AI race.

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
AI Is Already Causing Layoffs... And Not Just in Big Tech

Companies are making staff cuts – all because of "good news." And the layoffs won't stay confined to the tech industry...

Securities Analyzed
  • INTU
Amazon's Success Wasn't Built Overnight

Amazon thrives on data – and it has far more than you likely realize...

Securities Analyzed
  • AMZN
  • MSFT
The U.S. Dollar Is Still King

According to the International Monetary Fund, one-third of the world's capital has flowed into the U.S. since the pandemic...

Securities Analyzed
  • NVDA