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Google Made a Big Mistake by Not 'Acqui-hiring' This $18 Billion Digital Advertiser

The 'Big Bath' is coming... and no one is talking about it.  A few weeks ago, we shared an essay Joel wrote in Forbes that warns of a coming earnings apocalypse: the "Big Bath."  This isn't a new phenomenon. When management teams are going to disappoint on earnings, the smart ones don't just give bad […]

Securities Analyzed
  • BP
  • FB
  • TTD
A Key Lending Metric Says to Stay Calm If We See a Market Correction

Could working in the office become a status symbol? Here at Altimetry, we've said it time and time again... the coronavirus pandemic has kicked off an "At-Home Revolution."  Across the globe, the virus has changed our lives. And the biggest change is in how people work.  We recently came across a CNBC piece published earlier […]

This Chip Supplier Proves That an Essential Product Isn't Enough to Guarantee Returns

According to management consulting firm McKinsey, the recovery from coronavirus pandemic will be digital... Meaning that it'll be a recovery that will be from the home.  Last month, McKinsey Digital put together an interesting report on some of the recent trends – as well as ones that could happen – that the firm has seen […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AMKR
One Consumer Credit Firm Is 'Refining' Its Data to Unlock Massive Profits

We've found 'Groupon 2.0'... As subscribers to our Altimeter tool know, we aren't fans of online retailer Stitch Fix (SFIX). We've highlighted the company twice this month for a specific reason... Stitch Fix is a ticking time bomb that's following in the mold of several other "fad" companies that have come around in the past […]

Securities Analyzed
  • EFX
  • FB
  • GPRO
  • GRPN
  • GRUB
  • JWN
  • TRU
  • TWTR
  • VRSK
Earning Double-Digit Returns by Resisting the 'Cashless Society'

The pandemic is accelerating the freelance independent contractor movement... Each year, freelancing site UpWork publishes its Freelancing in America report. We recently came across it while researching how the pandemic is affecting workers. It's similar to MBO Partners' annual State of Independence in America... We work with and respect MBO, so it's good to get […]

Securities Analyzed
  • EEFT
  • FIS
  • MA
  • PYPL
  • SQ
Misaligned Management at This Ratings Agency Created a Ticking Time Bomb for Investors

Next month, our friends at global asset manager Sprott are hosting an event with an impressive bench of attendees... I may not be a gold bug, but I've been working with different members of the Sprott team for years. I've actually been on a program that Sprott Media hosts a few times... and I know […]

Securities Analyzed
  • DIS
  • KO
  • MCO
  • SPGI
We Laid out the Plan for the Market... Now It's up to You Not to Panic

Last week saw the first significant sell-off since March... so now what should you do? On Thursday, the markets pulled back sharply. The Dow fell 7%, the S&P 500 was down 6%, and the Nasdaq was down 5% because of a few different factors...  We're seeing signs that coronavirus cases are starting to spike again […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CRM
  • HTZ
  • JCP
  • TSLA
Here's How a Political Battle Opens Up an Investment Opportunity in Energy

Let Altimetry Director of Research Rob Spivey walk you through how to read our Uniform Accounting charts in greater detail...  As we've mentioned previously, Rob occasionally hosts webinars for our institutional clients. Using the Valens Research app – a significantly more complicated version of our Altimeter tool – we take these folks through a handful […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ABT
  • FSLR
  • HUBB
  • ILMN
  • MA
  • SPWR
Before 'Going Adobe' Existed, One Game Company Pioneered a Tech Revolution

The pandemic's disruption to retail hasn't been evenly distributed, and the recovery won't be either... It's no surprise that some of the areas of the economy that have been hardest hit by the pandemic are retail and restaurants. But it's important to remember that disruption hasn't been linear... A recent article in The Economist features […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ADBE
  • ATVI
  • BBY
  • CTXS
  • GPS
  • MSFT
  • WBA
Wall Street's Numbers Are Hiding the Real Loser of the Telecom Industry

When investing legends talk, we listen... One of the benefits of having our Altimetry team of 100 employees in Manila is the ability to direct those folks to gather and catalogue all the amazing content that some of the great investors generate. We keep entire lists of quotes and presentations from investing legends so we […]

Securities Analyzed
  • MSCI
  • SPGI
  • T
  • TMUS
  • VZ