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Chips Can't Keep Consumers Afloat

We can't expect earnings growth to really accelerate when two-thirds of the U.S. economy is on the ropes...

Securities Analyzed
  • SBUX
Don't Be Fooled... U.S. Natural Gas Is Here to Stay

Despite what recent data may say, U.S. natural gas is likely to continue replacing Russian gas in Europe...

Securities Analyzed
  • LNG
Biden Is Dancing Around This Commodity's 'Sweet Spot'

Unless oil prices decrease significantly moving forward, folks are being far too bearish...

This Non-AI Industry Can't Stop Hiring

These companies aren't growing on speculation... They know spending is on the upswing.

Securities Analyzed
  • HO.PA
Earnings Growth, Stupid

For as many other trends as Wall Street pretends to care about, it all boils down to one factor...

This Industry Is Fixing a '70s-Era Mistake

We're pushing the boundaries of this critical system's usefulness...

The Underwater-Robot Maker Behind the 'Night of the Caper'

The "Night of the Caper's" fate rested on a $40,000 tube, a robot submarine, and a piece of rope...

Securities Analyzed
  • OII
High Interest Rates Aren't Bad for Everyone

Investors have forgotten how well insurance companies can perform... especially in interest-rate environments like today's.

Assets Aren't Getting Older Anymore

Companies finally seem to be coming around to the need to invest... even if it means borrowing money at higher rates.

It's Too Early to Trust AI Completely

The AI revolution is like a gold rush... Everyone wants in on the action.

Securities Analyzed