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Here's the Company Primed to Prosper With New Year's Resolutions

Joel's note: The Altimetry offices are closed on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so look for the next Altimetry Daily Authority on Tuesday, January 19. Mosaics matter... This week on our global call, our teams discussed how more than one factor goes into how we pick stocks and look to achieve high performance […]

Securities Analyzed
  • WW
The Real Numbers Show How Investors Benefit From This Asset Manager's Mergers

Back in November, we highlighted some potential merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in the financial-services sector... We mentioned the potential Janus Henderson (JHG) and Invesco (IVZ) marriage. The rumored deal still hasn't occurred... But the motivations showed the moves some companies in the asset-management space might need to make. Competition is stiff between asset-management firms. […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AMG
  • BLK
  • EV
  • IVZ
  • JHG
  • LPLA
  • MS
  • STT
  • WDR
The Housing Frenzy Is a Boon for This Tub and Toilet Maker

As we highlighted yesterday, the housing market is changing... With folks spending so much time at home, they're thinking about homes differently than in the past. They have a different idea of where they want to live, how much square footage they need, and how to go about buying a new place. The household is […]

Securities Analyzed
  • FB
  • MAS
  • SQ
  • TWTR
Despite Big Demand, Rating Agencies Are Treating This Homebuilding Supplier Like It's 2008

Every day, new data emerge highlighting the surge in homebuying demand... We've said it many times here at Altimetry Daily Authority: With the coronavirus pandemic forcing people to stay at home more than ever before, they're seeking to upgrade their living situations. They're looking to move from cramped cities to more spacious suburbs. This is […]

Securities Analyzed
  • BLDR
Management's Outlook Gives Us a Secret View Into the Market's Direction

The stock market is fueled by how investors feel about it... This is why we frequently talk about investor sentiment during our Monday macroeconomic insights – think correlations and active investor allocations. These metrics are so important because human sentiment tends to flip quickly. That's why the field of behavioral economics exists... Financial markets are […]

Learn-at-Home Orders Have Led to Big Profits for This Tool for Educators

We turned a person into a verb... for powerfully 'sleeping on it.' My coaching comment to our teams this week stems from Gestalt theory (if you remember that from your psychology classes way back when!)...  In its simplest form, the theory emphasizes that we perceive patterns or configurations rather than just individual components. In my […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CHGG
Despite Government Investment, These Industry Competitors Are Leagues Apart

Joel's note: Following Tuesday's runoff election in Georgia, it appears the Democratic Party has taken a one-vote majority in the Senate. The Democrats have captured the weakest possible "Blue Wave" that pundits discussed. This has folks wondering what that means for your wealth and the companies you invest in. Fortunately, we covered this topic last […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AIR.PA
  • BA
  • LMT
  • MRNA
  • NOC
  • RTX
As Cyberattacks Become a Part of Online Life, One Company Offers a Two-Pronged Defense

As the world continues to move online, the threat of cyberattacks also becomes more prevalent... The issue affects almost every facet of our society... and it's hard to go a year without hearing about a high-profile incident. Just in recent years, attacks on Adobe (ADBE), eBay (EBAY), and Equifax (EFX) released information on more than […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ADBE
  • EBAY
  • EFX
  • FEYE
  • FTNT
  • SWI
Rating Agencies Are Missing the Surging Demand for This Home Builder

One of the markets surging the most during the 'At-Home Revolution' has been housing... People are spending more time in their homes and apartments this year due to restrictions on mobility. This has led to more folks moving out of cities and into bigger homes in the suburbs. This exodus has created a booming market for […]

Securities Analyzed
  • BZH
Here's What Fund Flows Can Tell Us About the Market Cycle

The start of a new year is often a time to reflect on big-picture things, like your investing portfolio... For decades, the "60/40" portfolio model has been a popular structure. This "one size fits all" portfolio has an allocation of 60% equities and 40% bonds. The goal of the portfolio is to diversify across the […]