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The Credit-Ratings Agencies Have It All Wrong (Yet Again)

As the old joke goes, put two economists in a room and you'll get three opinions on the economy...  Last Monday, we highlighted a concern over both credit and equity markets from Bob Prince of Bridgewater Associates. Prince was concerned the risk of inflation could cause the Fed to raise interest rates, leading to a […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AMKR
The 'Gig Economy' Suggests Things Aren't As Bad As They Seem

Work from home is changing the gig economy, and the study of economics... When thinking about the "At-Home Revolution," most people assume Zoom meetings, T-shirts and sweatpants, and avoiding the daily commute. However, earlier this month, a Bloomberg Opinion piece argued how working from home can change our entire outlook on economics. We're already seeing […]

Earning Double-Digit Returns From Fighting the Side Effects of Rising Antidepressant Demand

In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, it appeared employers only had two options... Across the U.S. – and the globe – quarantine orders forced many businesses to halt their normal operations, and employers had a choice. They could simply shut down completely... or they could send employees to work from home, where folks […]

Securities Analyzed
  • NBIX
The 'One-Stop Shop' for Handling the Tasks That Most Businesses Hate

Our Director of Research attended his first concert since the coronavirus pandemic started... And he didn't even have to leave his couch! He streamed the whole thing. For performing artists, tours make up the largest portion of their income. In this streaming age, with song plays on streaming services making a fraction of a cent […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ORCL
  • PAYX
  • WDAY
Once Again, This Chipmaker's Credit Risk Is Being Overblown

Once Again, This Chipmaker's Credit Risk Is Being Overblown In this changing market, the investors who stay ahead of the herd will profit... Over the past few months here at Altimetry Daily Authority, we've regularly discussed the "At-Home Revolution." It's the massive societal shift that's unfolding in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic as consumers […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AMD
  • BLK
  • DAL
The Payments Giant You've Never Heard of Before

The debate is growing as to whether a successful vaccine might have unintended economic consequences... For investors, economists, and average folks who the coronavirus has affected, many are pinning their hope on the introduction of one or several vaccines as the light at the end of a dark tunnel. From a health perspective, it will […]

Securities Analyzed
  • FISV
  • GS
  • MA
  • V
Here's How We Can Get a Secret Window Into the Fed

Investors take years off their lives trying to interpret central bankers' statements... Folks will come up with any method to figure out what policy makers are really thinking. Just consider when Alan Greenspan was chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve... Investors read so much into his "irrational exuberance" statement in December 1996 that they considered […]

A Serial Acquirer in Medical Devices Is Poised to Win in the Wake of Coronavirus

Who is accounting for the accountants? In the July 21 Altimetry Daily Authority, we discussed a hidden danger for any portfolio: fraudulent companies. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has limited capacity to investigate every publicly traded company, and one stock with a fraudulent business behind it can "torpedo" portfolio returns. Fraud usually originates […]

Securities Analyzed
  • BAX
  • DHR
This Popular Social Media Company Looks Like PBS... Unless You Follow the Right Numbers

The grand work-from-home experiment has led to some preliminary results... As we've mentioned before here at Altimetry Daily Authority, the coronavirus pandemic has forced corporate America into an experiment around the structure of the working environment. Back in March, in order to keep business functioning, employers were forced to allow folks to work from home. […]

Securities Analyzed
  • FB
  • TWTR
A 'Survive and Thrive' Airline Is Primed to Recreate Its Winning Playbook From the Great Recession

It's yet another way the coronavirus pandemic will change travel forever... Like any longstanding institution, the airport was conceived of and designed years ago... with inertia reducing the potential of structural changes to the way we board our planes. This is especially true since the last great wave of change with the security measures implemented […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAL
  • DAL