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This Overlooked Payroll Firm Is Making Billions by Being a 'Value Buyer'

Venture capital ('VC') is following the footsteps of the 'Your Home, Your Castle' movement... Market-research firm CB Insights just released its State of Consumer Products Q1 2020 report, which shows VC investment trends for the quarter. Unsurprisingly, VC dollars are heading towards areas like fitness technology, gaming, and esports – things people can do at […]

Securities Analyzed
  • PAYX
Remember the Playbook... We're Seeing Another Warning Sign for a Potential 'Retest'

Last Monday, we warned readers to prepare for the market to roll back over at some point before a significant move higher... But a week later, that clearly hasn't panned out. Since May 18, the market has made new two-month highs and continues to be pushing for a move higher. So were we wrong? When […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AME
  • B
  • BKNG
  • DHR
  • WHR
The 'Razor and Blade' Sales Model Still Works in the 21st Century... And This Medical Devices Firm Proves It

Joel's note: Both the market and Altimetry are closed on Monday for Memorial Day, so look for the next Altimetry Daily Authority on Tuesday, May 26. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend. 'To be a great stock picker, you have to be a solid credit analyst'...  People often ask when we at […]

Securities Analyzed
  • PKI
Following a Demographic 'Megatrend' to Profitability That Even Trump Can't Disrupt

In the midst of the 'Corona Crash,' let's not forget the 'Flash Crash'... March was a historic month for the markets as stocks collapsed in the wake of the escalating coronavirus pandemic. It's appropriate timing for the release of a new book on nearly the 10-year mark of another event that shook the markets... the […]

Securities Analyzed
  • HRL
  • ZVO
This Overvalued Oil Company Picked the Wrong Time to Go Against John D. Rockefeller's Advice

We let out a collective groan last week when the news broke about ride-sharing company Uber (UBER)... The company keeps expecting to work miracles in markets that are too competitive for it to successfully monetize. And regular Altimetry Daily Authority readers shouldn't be surprised by our reaction when reports surfaced that Uber is trying to […]

Securities Analyzed
  • GRUB
  • HES
  • UBER
  • V
This Little-Known Chipmaker Is on the Verge of a Breakout Thanks to Its 'Qualcomm Leap'

This Little-Known Chipmaker Is on the Verge of a Breakout Thanks to Its 'Qualcomm Leap' The coronavirus pandemic has even hit safe, dividend-paying stocks... Since the coronavirus shutdown, 85 companies have suspended or canceled their dividends – the highest rate since 2001. And many of these have been blue-chip names that income investors trust.  Because […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
  • INTC
  • NVDA
  • OLED
  • QCOM
The Markets Will Be Scary Over the Next Few Months... But Don't Panic

I had a great time presenting for the U.S. Marine Corps last week... On Wednesday, I was fortunate enough to be invited to give a presentation to the Marine Corps University ("MCU") in Quantico, Virginia. It's an honor to engage with the future leaders of our military... I was happy to accept the invitation... even […]

A 200 Year Old Volcanic-Driven Invention Is Changing Life Today

We asked for your thoughts on innovations you've seen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic... On Monday, we discussed how businesses have been forced to innovate to counter the disruptions from the pandemic. We asked readers to submit examples of innovation they've witnessed... and we received some interesting comments. As reader Robert S. (no, […]

Securities Analyzed
  • GWRE
  • PANW
This Fashion Company's Board Destroyed Its Chance to Be the Next Louis Vuitton

A picture is worth a thousand words... In the February 10 Altimetry Daily Authority, we highlighted a website that we often direct our MBA students to when they're trying to understand why we talk about "quantitative non-financial metrics" or performance indicators ("KPIs"). Trefis is a powerful tool to understand how KPIs drive financial performance, partly […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ABT
  • TPR
Another Software Firm Is Winning Big by 'Going Adobe' With Its Business Model

Online shopping is more than just a digital storefront...  Amazon (AMZN) and Shopify (SHOP) are dominating the world of retail in the age of coronavirus. Amazon is winning by wiping retailers out wholesale. Consumers are getting more and more comfortable with shopping online at Amazon and getting things delivered to them, as opposed to having […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ADBE
  • AMZN
  • BUD
  • CMG
  • CTXS
  • LOGM
  • MSFT
  • SHOP