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Here's Why Investors Should Avoid This Popular 'Learn From Home' Stock

Many students are taking online classes for the first time this year...  With 15 of the biggest 20 public school districts starting online this fall, children are being forced to adapt to a new learning environment.  This shift could potentially cause students to lose ground in their learning. The most obvious effect of online or […]

Securities Analyzed
  • LRN
Investors Are Too Bullish on This Company at the Heart of the Semiconductor Supply Chain

At Valens Research – the firm that powers Altimetry – we have a close relationship with MBO Partners... MBO is a consulting firm for independent professionals and companies looking to match up. Just recently, we had a conversation with the company's leadership about economist Ronald Coase's "Theory of the Firm." This theory states that companies […]

Securities Analyzed
  • BA
  • INTC
  • LMT
  • LYFT
  • TSM
  • UBER
  • UPWK
The Pandemic Prompted This Delivery Company to Transform Itself

No industry has fully avoided adapting to the pandemic... Even the traditionally boring trucking industry has been disrupted. Many of these carriers saw business crater during the initial shutdown. However, demand bounced back due to a surge in online orders, which overloaded logistics organizations. In the trucking industry, "last-mile transportation" has changed the most during […]

Securities Analyzed
  • PZZA
  • R
The Savvy Economists Use Multiple Indicators... Here's What They're Showing Today

It's difficult to quantify how fast economies inflect positively and negatively... This is why people are constantly chasing new indicators to gauge economic activity... especially in the current environment, where things are changing so quickly and the drivers are so unique. Some experts have been studying Alphabet's (GOOGL) Google search trends or different topics. We've […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
Grocery Shopping Is Changing... And That Means This Food Distributor Winning Big

The coronavirus pandemic is altering the grocery industry... In a recent Wall Street Journal interview, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey explained that since the crisis began, consumers have been ordering more groceries online. Customers have also been making more bulk purchases, and Mackey noted that folks haven't spent as much time lingering in Whole Foods' […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AMZN
  • KR
  • UNFI
An Automotive Giant Has Been Unseated From Its Throne by a Competitor That Looks Like a Shale Company

There's a reason we rarely write about oil and gas companies here at Altimetry... They're generally poorly performing businesses that operate in a cyclical industry. These companies are also tied closely to the volatile price of oil. Energy stocks have underperformed the market for nearly a decade... and the energy sector is now the smallest […]

Securities Analyzed
  • DIS
  • KO
  • SD
  • TM
  • TSLA
  • WMT
  • XOM
Don't Believe the Ratings Agencies About This Popular Travel Company

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Apollo Global Management (APO) has been on a deal-making spree...  The global alternative-investment manager understands the massive need for liquidity during this crisis. As we've said repeatedly here at Altimetry Daily Authority, stay-at-home orders have crushed demand... so companies are looking to shore up their balance sheets. Apollo […]

Securities Analyzed
  • APO
  • BKNG
  • EXPE
More 'Staycations' Are Helping This Industry Through the Pandemic

Earlier this month, we highlighted a conversation with a first-hand expert in the travel industry... Our friend had told us how more people are booking stays in places with kitchenettes or places to cook in when they travel. This way, folks feel more like they could "live" where they're vacationing. And as The Economist recently […]

Securities Analyzed
  • HLT
  • MAR
  • WH
Here's What Share Buybacks Mean for the Market Rally

For years, investors have credited share buybacks with aiding market rallies... However, as the Financial Times reported last month, repurchases have been cut in half for S&P 500 companies since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Management teams were worried about a potential liquidity crunch in March... so to save cash, many of them paused […]

Securities Analyzed
  • TDY
Two Password-Protection Platforms... With Vastly Different Profitability Trends

It's possible that hacking may become much harder than it currently is... Hackers are a big problem in today's Internet-powered society. Criminals are able to break into computer systems or decrypt messages and data packages sent across the web and cause widespread destruction. Just this July, social media site Twitter (TWTR) saw a massive breach, […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
  • BB
  • EFX
  • OKTA
  • SAIL
  • TWTR