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Earning Double-Digit Returns by Ending Procrastination

Time management is a recent concept relative to the span of, well, time... This week on our all-hands call, I coached our teams on improving time management. This concept only gained widespread attention in the past 50 years or so. Before that, the term "time management" was relegated to railroads and farms. It wasn't about […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CRM
This 'Oil Major' Is a Ticking Time Bomb

The oil industry is in trouble... Oil demand is under growing pressure from alternative sources of energy. As an example, just think of the rise of electric vehicles... Tesla's (TSLA) cars tend to dominate the headlines. Adding fuel to the fire, global trade has slowed during the coronavirus pandemic. This has significantly slashed oil demand. […]

Securities Analyzed
  • TSLA
  • XOM
Changing Travel Trends Created a 'Two-Speed Market' Winner

As regular Altimetry Daily Authority readers might remember, Joel and his family decamped to Turkey... Back in September, he explained how he had been seeing full hotels despite the coronavirus pandemic. But instead of the usual international travelers, they were packed with Turkish nationals. And this isn't just happening in Turkey. For example, last month, […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CHH
Mental Health Is Changing in the Work-At-Home World... And One Health Provider Is Capitalizing

The work-from-home environment has significantly changed mental health...  The coronavirus pandemic has forced many employees into remote work. People will still go back to the office after the crisis subsides... but many of the changes will be permanent. A few weeks ago, Bloomberg highlighted some of the big shifts... According to a study from the […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ACHC
The Dust Is Starting to Settle... Here's What the Election Means for Your Portfolio

Last week, we discussed how the election could affect taxes and market valuations... At the time, polling data and statistical analysis were pointing to an easy Democratic win in the House of Representatives, a Joe Biden presidential win, and a likely Democratic Senate. In essence, a "blue wave." We highlighted how Biden's proposed tax plan […]

Solving 'Office Myopia' in the Era of the Pandemic

Attention to detail is important... But so is seeing the big picture. This past week, my coaching comment to our global team was on the importance of understanding how smaller tasks fit into larger objectives. This relates to the concept of "missing the forest for the trees"... which has been a common saying for centuries […]

Securities Analyzed
  • MSFT
  • WORK
Many Students Are Struggling Due to the 'At-Home Revolution'... But One Telecom Company Is Fixing That

The 'At-Home Revolution' has separated the winners and losers in the business world... Unfortunately, this massive shift to spending more time at home has also created winners and losers throughout society. We've seen this in a big way with schooling. After parents, teachers, and the government argued all summer about whether to open schools, many […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CIEN
  • T
  • VZ
How to Invest After an Election

Editor's note: In lieu of a normal Altimetry Daily Authority today, we thought it was relevant, considering the election, to take a look at the markets from an asset allocation perspective. As we go to press, the winner of the election is still unknown... We write the Altimetry Daily Authority and schedule it the evening […]

A Classic GAAP Blunder Hides This Payment Firm's Real Profitability

We've said it before: the winner's curse is real...  The theory is that after an auction, the winner regrets his bid. He tends to feel as if he overpaid.  The classic example is buying a house. Buyers generally compete in an auction with other bidders. Counteroffers will drive up the price until only one buyer […]

Securities Analyzed
  • GPN
The Election Is Upon Us... And Investors Need to Keep Calm

Joe Biden's lead has widened over the past few months... According to statistics website FiveThirtyEight, Biden has a roughly 90% chance to win the presidential election. That's a big change from his 67% chance two months ago.  Similarly, FiveThirtyEight's senate forecasts have also shifted. Democrats now have a more than 75% chance to win a […]