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Two Password-Protection Platforms... With Vastly Different Profitability Trends

It's possible that hacking may become much harder than it currently is... Hackers are a big problem in today's Internet-powered society. Criminals are able to break into computer systems or decrypt messages and data packages sent across the web and cause widespread destruction. Just this July, social media site Twitter (TWTR) saw a massive breach, […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
  • BB
  • EFX
  • OKTA
  • SAIL
  • TWTR
A Big Manufacturing Shift Could Be Looming... Here's What It Means for One Construction Firm

The coronavirus pandemic is starting to reverse a longtime trend... After years of moving offshore, jobs might finally be returning to U.S. soil. For the bartenders, pilots, and tour guides still out of work, these fields are unfortunately still hurting. However, as Bloomberg explained earlier this month, American manufacturing jobs are likely on the cusp […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
  • EME
This Medical-Devices Maker Is Providing an Alternative to Opioids... And That Means Big Returns

This Medical-Devices Maker Is Providing an Alternative to Opioids... And That Means Big Returns Thanks to OxyContin, one family has continually been in the news over the past few years... The Sacklers are the controlling family of Purdue Pharma, the maker of the well-known, addictive drug OxyContin. This is the drug that has been at […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ZYXI
The 'White-Hat Hacker' Firm That's Riding the 'At-Home Revolution' to Higher Earnings

Each year, market-research firm CB Insights publishes a list of game-changing startups...  CB Insights is widely respected in the industry... and this year's release didn't disappoint. The list included innovations such as CRISPR 2.0, which provides safer and more precise approaches to gene editing. The report also covered "carbon capture" companies. These firms could recycle […]

Securities Analyzed
  • RPD
The Market Is Hinting at an Important Signal... It May Be Time to Listen

Sometimes, the power of the market is just in waiting...  This can be difficult for investors, but doing nothing can be the best move to make. As legendary trader Jesse Livermore once said, "It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting." This is coming from the […]

Securities Analyzed
  • BAC
Thanks to 'Digital Nomads,' One Cruise Line Operator Is Poised for Big Upside as the Pandemic Recedes

In order to understand industry trends, it's important to look beyond the news channels... Here at Altimetry, we try to engage with a diverse crowd when it comes to our friends and colleagues. We personally know people who have jobs ranging from the medical and pharma fields, aerospace, advertising, social media, skin care, as well […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CCL
  • RCL
This Former 'Unicorn' Actually Knows How to Make Money

Just a few years ago, the term 'unicorn' was all the rage...  These are privately owned venture-capital ("VC") supported startups worth more than $1 billion. As an estimated 0.07% of startups ever reach a billion-dollar valuation, these select firms are as rare as the mythical creature they're named after. Many startups have been holding off […]

Securities Analyzed
  • FB
  • LYFT
  • PINS
  • TWTR
  • UBER
Credit Agencies Are Falling for the 'Ratio Fallacy' With This Communications Firm

Due to massive amounts of stimulus spending and lending, debt has ballooned this year... And the numbers are staggering. As hedge-fund great Leon Cooperman recently told Bloomberg, the U.S. will likely end the year at a $27 trillion deficit.  Here at Altimetry, this massive increase in leverage hasn't gone unnoticed... As we said back in […]

Securities Analyzed
  • VSAT
One Homebuilder Bucked the Trend During the Great Recession... and It's Primed to Do It Again

Here at Altimetry, we've frequently discussed the necessity of companies' access to credit markets during recessions... This is especially relevant during the coronavirus pandemic. Many businesses are hoping their profitability levels quickly return to where they were prior to coronavirus. In the meantime, the strategic use of debt can help companies bridge the gap and […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ADBE
  • TOL
The Winner in Protecting Your Building's Air When You Return to the Office

Joel's note: Both the market and Altimetry are closed on Monday for Labor Day, so look for the next Altimetry Daily Authority on Tuesday, September 8. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend. In recent years, the number of perks that companies offer employees has only increased...  Perks are a way for businesses […]

Securities Analyzed
  • FIX
  • ZM