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A 'Survive and Thrive' Airline Is Primed to Recreate Its Winning Playbook From the Great Recession

It's yet another way the coronavirus pandemic will change travel forever... Like any longstanding institution, the airport was conceived of and designed years ago... with inertia reducing the potential of structural changes to the way we board our planes. This is especially true since the last great wave of change with the security measures implemented […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAL
  • DAL
Unlocking Big Returns by Ensuring the 'At-Home Revolution' Is in Color

Millionaires are no longer feeling like millionaires... Back in the 1970s and '80s, the term was synonymous with success. A millionaire was a part of the stratified elite... an untouchable social class. This image was reinforced by landmark pieces of media such as the film Wall Street and the book The Bonfire of the Vanities […]

Securities Analyzed
  • HD
  • SHW
Don't Believe the Warnings About This Key Credit Market

One segment of health care is finding a way to buck the industry trend of collapsing demand... In the June 3 Altimetry Daily Authority, we explained how Integra LifeSciences (IART) is a vital market player in the elective surgeries sector. The pandemic has hit this area hard... Hospitals have been canceling these surgeries to keep […]

Securities Analyzed
  • IART
The Market Has Been Too Bearish on This Tech Giant Before... And It's Happening Again

To the absolute shock of no sports fans... referees aren't unbiased! But they aren't in the way you'd assume, where they always seem to be against your team and instead support the opponents... Now that soccer, baseball, hockey, and basketball games have been held without fans over the past few months, data scientists have been […]

Securities Analyzed
  • INTC
  • TSM
  • WMT
Corporate Culture Broke This Plane Maker's Financials

The coronavirus pandemic is forcing even the most analog tasks to go digital... For the large plane makers like Airbus and Boeing (BA), delivery is everything. Building an aircraft takes significant time and investment for these firms, so they require some upfront payment from customers. However, more than half of revenue and a large portion […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AMZN
  • BA
  • BSX
  • JNJ
Management's Cherry-Picked Metrics Are Masking This Gold Company's Real Performance

The Wall Street darlings have been kicked to the curb... For ultra-wealthy investors, the hedge fund has historically been the crown jewel of their investment portfolios. Originally conceived to operate outside of the traditional mutual-fund framework, hedge funds can make wildly speculative trades on any manner of financial instruments – thus driving returns decoupled to […]

Securities Analyzed
  • SEA.TO
  • XOM
By Performing the Dirty Jobs, One Business Has Escaped the Pandemic Pressures... and Wall Street's Attention

It's part of the dark underbelly of the 'At-Home Revolution'... Over the past few months, we've consistently highlighted the power of the massive societal shift in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. As folks have shifted their consumption to the home, many industries have seen a renaissance in spending.  However, this trend has left behind […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ABM
  • ADP
  • F
  • GE
  • GM
  • HSY
  • IBM
  • MDLZ
  • ORCL
  • PAYX
  • SAP.DE
A Positive Economic Indicator Is Roaring Higher

This industry hasn't changed much over the years... Many jobs have been radically altered with the rise of industrialization and automation... But debt collection is still carried out using archaic methods. In an industry that has refused to embrace technology, a great deal of collections are still carried out by calling up debtors and threatening […]

Don't Fall for This Oil and Gas 'Comeback' Story

A poker-playing chess devotee has neared 90% gains after a $1.8 billion loss... In 2008, financial-services firm Deutsche Bank (DB) was preparing to spin off a division for its most successful trader. As we mentioned in the March 31 Altimetry Daily Authority, Boaz Weinstein had spent the previous decade making high-powered trades for the bank... […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AAPL
  • DB
  • SMHI
  • TSLA
The 'At-Home Revolution' Is Powering This Logistics REIT... But Wall Street Is Too Optimistic

Senior management's job is to understand its business' risk-taking strategy... Many of our readers are business owners, in senior management, or even potentially retired and investing in or advising businesses. As such, they need to understand that the main job they have is to take on risk and oversee risk-taking.  Otherwise, companies won't grow... and […]

Securities Analyzed
  • AMZN
  • NNN
  • PLD
  • WMT