Wall Street Is Getting This Health Care Stock Completely Wrong

Dear reader, If you've been tuning in for a while, you should know I don't trust Wall Street for stock advice. Regular readers know by now that my goal in Altimetry Daily Authority is to give you a different opinion from what you'll find elsewhere. Don't get me wrong – there are plenty of intelligent […]

Securities Analyzed
  • HUM
  • UNH
This Molecule Is Crushing an Industry

Dear reader, Diseases can create companies and industries, and can just as easily destroy them. Owens Corning, Armstrong World Industries, and other insulation companies went bankrupt in 2000 because of asbestos lawsuits from mesothelioma outbreaks. Gilead Sciences (GILD) is worth about $80 billion today from its drugs that treat HIV, hepatitis, and other liver diseases. […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CMG
  • GILD
  • GIS
  • K
  • POST
Be Mindful, Not Fearful

Dear reader, The talking heads at CNBC and Bloomberg are once again in a frenzy. Last Tuesday and Wednesday, the small-cap Russell 2000 Index, the S&P 500 Index, and the Nasdaq 100 Index all dropped, and most of the decline was driven by one datapoint. The Institute for Supply Management's U.S. Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index […]

Securities Analyzed
  • PMI
Garbage In, Garbage Out

Dear reader, My first job when I got my CPA license was as an auditor in Chicago. I'd travel across the Midwest as part of my role, and I kept track of the best steaks in every small city within 500 miles of Chicago. One of my fondest memories of the companies I audited was […]

Securities Analyzed
  • ADSW
  • AMZN
  • CWST
  • FB
  • RSG
  • WCN
  • WM
Even Smart Activist Investors Don't Always Get It Right

Dear reader, At the height of the dot-com bubble, Internet darling AOL could do no wrong... When the company announced it was joining with media conglomerate Time Warner in January 2000, many people thought the merger was a smart move. AOL would gain access to Time Warner's content and cable network, and Time Warner would […]

Securities Analyzed
  • T
Maybe the CEO Was on to Something...

Dear reader, It's rare that I laugh out loud when I'm listening to an earnings call... In general, these quarterly calls are dull affairs. For every time you catch something like the Lehman Brothers CFO swearing on the company's third-quarter earnings call in 2008 – and management having to re-edit the audio afterward to remove […]

Securities Analyzed
  • CLF
This Misunderstood Market Is Creating a Big Opportunity

Dear reader, Yesterday, we discussed why concerns about an imminent recession are misplaced. Thanks to the drop in the cost for corporations to refinance their debts since early 2019, debt maturities are starting to be pushed out. And without a debt crunch, there's no risk of a recession. But even corporations' reported costs to borrow […]

The Next Recession Begins on This Date

Dear reader, Earlier this year, we headlined our January report for our institutional investors: "A RECESSION IS COMING... in 18 months to two years if trends do not change before then." Trends have changed significantly in the past nine months. Many market strategists, financial journalists, and regular investors are calling for a recession by the […]

Answering Your Most Important Questions

Dear reader, I stayed up late last night... and woke up early this morning... just so I could keep reading your e-mails. Between Wednesday night and yesterday, we've received a ton of great feedback from both old and new clients about what we're rolling out at Altimetry. My favorites are the ones where folks are […]

Some of the Most Exciting News of My Career

Dear reader, Last night, I shared some of the most exciting news of my career... By launching Altimetry – and our new Altimetry's High Alpha newsletter – my team and I are bringing institutional-level research to the consumer, without the institutional-level fog that makes the information impossible to digest. With Uniform Accounting, we've been able […]